eo.legend {UCS}R Documentation

Draw Legend Box for Point Cloud or Iso-Lines (eo)


Draw a legend box in one of the corners of the active (e,o) plot, showing labels for one or more styles of data set points, iso-lines or shaded/filled acceptance regions.


eo.legend.points(corner, legend, styles, bw=bw, cex.mul=2.5, ...)

eo.legend.iso(corner, legend, styles, bw=bw, fill=solid, solid=FALSE,
              lw.add=0, density.mul=2, ...)

eo.legend.diff(corner, legend, style1=4, style2=5,
               bw=bw, solid=FALSE, density.mul=2, ...)


corner an integer specifying the corner of the plot where the legend box will be drawn (1 = top left, 2 = top right, 3 = bottom right, 4 = bottom left)
legend a character vector specifying labels for the legend box. For the eo.legend.diff function, it must have length 2 (labels for the difference regions D_1 and D_2).
styles an integer vector specifying display styles for the items in the legend box (see the eo.par help page for more information about display styles). Note that styles must have exactly the same length as legend
style1, style2 display styles for the first and second difference region (D_1 and D_2). The defaults are set to match those of eo.iso.diff.
bw If TRUE, the points, lines or shading/colour boxes in the legend are drawn in B/W mode; otherwise, they are drawn in colour mode. This parameter defaults to the state specified with the initial eo.setup call, but can be overridden manually.
fill If TRUE, show the shadings of acceptance regions instead of iso-line styles in the legend.
solid If TRUE, show solid colours instead of shadings for acceptance regions in the legend. Setting solid=TRUE implies fill=TRUE.
cex.mul numeric factor by which plot symbols are scaled in the legend box (with respect to their size in the plot)
lw.add numeric value added to line widths in the legend box. Only needed when widths of iso-lines are too thin to be clearly visible in the legend box.
density.mul numeric factor by which the density of shading lines is multiplied in the legend box in order to improve visibility of the shading style
... Any additional parameters are passed through to the legend function used to draw the legend box.


See the eo.setup help page for a description of the general procedure used to create (e,o) plots. This help page also has links to other (e,o) plotting functions. The "factory setting" styles are described on the eo.par help page.

eo.legend.points displays a legend box for point clouds plotted with eo.points; eo.legend.iso a legend box for iso-lines or acceptance regions drawn with eo.iso; and eo.legend.diff a legend box for differences between two acceptance regions that have been highlighted with eo.iso.diff (this is just a convenience wrapper around eo.legend.iso).

Note that legend boxes can only be created for the default styles set with eo.par since it is not possible to override the style parameters manually.

See Also

eo.par, eo.setup, eo.points, eo.iso, eo.iso.diff


## an example can be found on the "eo.setup" help page

[Package UCS version 0.5 Index]