eo.points {UCS}R Documentation

Draw Data Set as Point Cloud in (e,o) Plane (eo)


Plot (selected) pair types from a data set as a point cloud in the (e,o) plane. Points can be drawn in any of the styles defined in the global defaults (eo.par), as determined by the style parameter.


eo.points(ds, style=1, select=NULL, bw=bw, jitter=eo.par("jitter"),
          pch=par("pt.pch"), cex=par("pt.cex"), col=par("pt.col"), ...)


ds a data set containing the pair types to be plotted as a point cloud
style an integer specifying the style (shape, size and colour) in which points will be drawn. The number of styles available depends on the global parameter settings (eo.par). The "factory settings" define 5 different styles for points.
select an optional expression, which is evaluated on the data set ds to select a subset of the pair types for plotting (e.g. select=(f <= 10 & b.TP) to display pair types with joint frequency f ≤ 10 that are marked as true positives).
bw If TRUE, the points are drawn in B/W mode, otherwise in colour mode. This parameter defaults to the state specified with the initial eo.setup call, but can be overridden manually.
jitter If TRUE, the coordinates of pair types are jittered for the plot, i.e. a small random displacement is added to each point so that the point cloud has a more homogeneous appearance. In order to use this option, the data set has to be annotated with the add.jitter function first. The default value is set with eo.par.
pch, cex, col The style parameters for points are determined automatically from the global settings (eo.par), according to the selected style and bw mode. They can be overridden by specifying explicit values in the function call.
... Any additional parameters are passed through to the points function that draws the point cloud.


See the eo.setup help page for a description of the general procedure used to create (e,o) plots. This help page also has links to other (e,o) plotting functions. The "factory setting" styles are described on the eo.par help page.

See Also

eo.par, eo.setup


## an example can be found on the "eo.setup" help page

[Package UCS version 0.5 Index]